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Showing posts from January 3, 2019


When I was young, I fancied myself a hippie. I also considered myself an artist. I was a         musician and a painter. What I bought into wasn’t the psychedelic drug culture that grew up around the hippie movement, but the “flower power” philosophy on which that movement was based, and which created a veritable cultural revolution that caught on around the world. It was a philosophy that promoted everything that should be the accepted norm in the world—peace, harmony, empathy, cooperation. Above all, love. The hippies were seen by the establishment as “crazy kids”. But the learning moment that the hippie movement offered to the world came through its opening of minds of all ages not only to the possibility, but also to the appropriateness of its philosophy of love and kindness. In that context, it wasn’t the hippies who were “crazy”, but the establishment, the sick societies that sold war, division, racism, repression and violence as the nor...