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Showing posts from November 29, 2018


Tolerance...Except in select circles, it’s a word you don’t often hear any more in this age of growing political incorrectness. But it remains the single-most important key to community by community peace. As such, it is also the prime key to world peace. That said, although the need to imbue people with tolerance may not be an innate necessity, the societies, often indeed the families, into which we are born, tend to start undermining, from the time we are very small, the natural tolerance with which we come into the world. An infant doesn’t care what color the skin is of the person who is caring for him or her. Infants couldn’t care less what religion their care-giver professes, what sports team they are a fan of, how much money they have, what social class they belong to, where they went to school, whether they are literate or illiterate, whether they are gay or straight, or whom they voted for in the last election. The only thing small children care about is the care and...