Vatican City This week, I’ve had the enormous pleasure of being invited to take part in the Fourth Scholas Occurrentes World Congress at the Vatican, a project that bears the seal of Pope Francis. Within the context of this invitation, I also had the honor of being asked to present my book, El crimen de la guerra (soon to be released in English as War: A Crime Against Humanity ), the message of which is in perfect harmony with that of the Scholas mission: the consolidation of peace through education and through acceptance of human diversity. I had the honor of presenting my book in this Vatican hall. Pope Francis will speak here tomorrow. Here in Rome, we’re anxiously awaiting the closing presentation headed by His Holiness, Pope Francis. Scholas Ocurrentes is a worldwide educational network inspired by the Pope with the aim of promoting the linking of schools from all over the world in a huge network. The idea is for a wide variety of learning centers to share ...
Author Roberto Vivo comments on wars past and present, on the world’s great peacemakers and on the pathway to global peace. His basic philosophy: In a world where 9 out of every 10 victims of armed conflict are civilians, war is no longer a viable political alternative. Indeed, it is the ultimate crime against humanity. If rising generations are to have a future, the key will lie in world peace. War is the pathway to oblivion.