It’s fairly easy to underestimate the gratingly flamboyant US presidential candidate Donald Trump. “The Donald”, as his apologists have dubbed him, is, after all, a perennial poser with a bad comb-over, a kind of cardboard cut-out of the ogre boss man, a comic-book ugly American who holds diversity in utmost contempt and answers the truth with lies, personal insults, unsubstantiated hearsay and vulgar innuendo. As a presidential hopeful, he is a candidate who substitutes megalomaniacal fantasies for concrete projects and blatant prejudice and jingoism for a policy platform. Seldom has a presidential candidate been more often referred to as “a clown”. Among reasonable people it is common to hear the opinion that Trump is “a buffoon”, a “flash in the pan”, “a joke”, and that he will never seriously be the 2016 Republican candidate for president of the United States. Nor, they say, will he ever have the wherewithal to win as an independent. “Nobody will even remember he was running,”...
Author Roberto Vivo comments on wars past and present, on the world’s great peacemakers and on the pathway to global peace. His basic philosophy: In a world where 9 out of every 10 victims of armed conflict are civilians, war is no longer a viable political alternative. Indeed, it is the ultimate crime against humanity. If rising generations are to have a future, the key will lie in world peace. War is the pathway to oblivion.